Physical therapy is the provision of services to people and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and function ability throughout the lifespan. It includes the provision of services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by the process of aging or that of injury or disease. The method of physical therapy sees full and functional movement as at the heart of what it means to be healthy.
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximizing movement potential, within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. It involves the interaction between the patient & environment, families and caregivers, in a process of assessing movement potential and in establishing agreed upon goals and objectives using knowledge and skills unique to physical therapists.
The physical therapists’ distinctive view of the body and its movement needs and potential is central to determining a diagnosis and an intervention strategy and is consistent whatever the setting in which practice is undertaken. These settings will vary in relation to whether physical therapy is concerned with health promotion, prevention, treatment or rehabilitation.
What is Physical Therapy?
Service Offerings

Orthopedic physical therapists diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system as well as rehabilitate patients post orthopedic surgery. This specialty of physical therapy is most often found in the out-patient clinical setting. Orthopedic therapists are trained in the treatment of non-operative joint pain, non-operative muscle strains, post-operative joint procedures, post-operative muscle/tendon repairs, acute sports injuries, arthritis, and amputations just to name a few.

Pelvic pain is often a misunderstood pain, pain condition or phenomenon that refers cyclical and noncyclical symptoms alike in the abdominal, pelvic, hip and perineum. Pelvic pain affects women and men alike whose origins may be unknown, or due to local trauma. Structures ranging from the spine, hip and local pelvic anatomy are to be considered when evaluating the patient suffering. Not all patients suffering with pelvic pain require an internal evaluation of the pelvic musculature, neurological structures, ligaments, fascia and excretory structures. Maximal modesty will be maintained for those that do require a pelvic examination.
Dr. Philip completed his doctoral research in the evaluation and treatment of pelvic pain from Texas Tech University, and lectures nationally. He is in the process of writing the definitive guide to the evaluation of pelvic pain. Those that have been treated elsewhere often remark at the efficiency and efficacy to which their particular pain is eliminated.
Dr. Philip is an internationally published and recognized leader in the field or orthopedic and pelvic pain. His textbook is used in medical universities worldwide.

Neurological physical therapy is a discipline focused on working with individuals who have a neurological disorder or disease. These include Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, and stroke. Common problems of patients with neurological disorders include paralysis, vision impairment, poor balance, inability to ambulate, and loss of functional independence. Therapists work with patients to improve these areas of dysfunction.
What We Offer

Pediatric physical therapy assists in early detection of health problems and uses a wide variety of modalities to treat disorders in the pediatric population. Our physical therapists are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases. Treatments focus on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance, as well as cognitive and sensory processing/integration. Children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and torticollis are a few of the patients treated by pediatric physical therapists.

What is FMS?
Researchers of Physical Medicine have established that FMS is a reliable screening tool for proactive injury prevention in healthy individuals and athletes. Seven tests are used to identify deficient areas of mobility and stability. After the screening process, a numeric score is assigned and an individualized intervention plan is developed and implemented thus significantly reducing risk of injury and improving performance.
CLICK HERE to learn more.

We are associated with Cindy Reejhsinghani, a massage therapist with a world of experience.
You can contact Cindy at 917.514.1714.

Personal training services are available for those that wish to further enhance their strength and physical aptitude. Having worked with athletes from the NFL, NHL and United States Olympic Team, we can offer customized and progressive strengthening that is unique, fun and effective at achieving your goals. Whether you want to walk a city block without pain or loss of breath, or become internationally recognized in your sport of choice, we can help you attain your goals.

Maintenance care is offered for those that want to continue to utilize our equipment independently.
10 Sessions: $100
30 Sessions: $270
60 Sessions $480

Fitness Training Fee:
Group Session: $100/session
Individual Session: $185/session
Your First Visit
While at Philip Physical Therapy, you will receive a warm greeting upon arrival.
You will have the opportunity to enjoy a warm coffee or tea as you complete your paperwork, and await your physical therapy appointment. We strive to see each patient at their respective appointment time with little to no waiting.
Your evaluation will begin with a series of questions about that which ails you, how this injury began, and how it interferes with your life.
You will then be taken through a series of movement tests and measures so as to allow the clinician to determine that which is causing your pain, dysfunction, ailment or limitation.
You will then be educated as to what your condition is, and how physical therapy will address that which brings you into office. You are encouraged to ask questions throughout the process as it is imperative that you have a complete understanding of what you're experiencing.